Up to 40 senior directors from across the spectrum of British furniture manufacturing are gathering at the Houses of Parliament next week (Monday 25th November) for a discussion with government representatives about exporting.

The event has been organised by the British Furniture Confederation (the consortium of furniture industry trade associations set up to coordinate the industry’s political lobbying) to provide an opportunity for those involved, or wishing to get involved, in exporting to air their views and share their experiences.

“This is a unique opportunity for our industry to meet with politicians and civil servants to discuss the opportunities and difficulties we face developing UK furniture, furnishing and bedding exports and the strengths and weaknesses of current government support,” says BFC chairman Paul von der Heyde.

The event is being hosted by the All Party Parliamentary Furniture Industry Group, chaired by Stevenage MP Stephen McPartland, which will also hold its AGM on the same day. The APPFIG has had another successful year championing the industry in government circles, raising issues such as wood biomass, flammability regulations and wood waste burning boiler emission levels as well as exporting.

“The All Party Group, chaired by Stephen McPartland MP, has been extremely helpful over the past year in raising policy issues of relevance to the furniture industry with ministers and senior civil servants. It has also asked plenty of challenging and pertinent questions,” says Paul von der Heyde. “Thanks to its efforts, we feel that issues impacting on the furniture industry are better understood by policy makers.”

Three are still a few places available if you would like to attend the Export Event at the Houses of Parliament at 5pm on Monday 25th November. Please contact BFC secretary Dr Pete Beele on pbeele@fira.co.uk


Editors’ Note:

The BFC was set up by the Furniture Makers Company, the City of London livery company, to bring together furniture industry trade associations and membership bodies with the principle aim of engaging with government at all levels regarding matters of concern within the furniture, bed and furnishing industry. Its members include: the British Contract Furnishing Association (BCFA), the Association of British Furniture Manufacturers (BFM), the National Bed Federation (NBF), the Furniture Industry Research Association (FIRA), the Leisure & Outdoor Furniture Association (LOFA), the Association of Master Upholsterers and Soft Furnishers (AMUSF), the Interior Designers Association (IDA), and Anti-Copying In Design (ACID). The BFC employs the services of political consultants Brevia Consulting to advise it on government activity and to provide the secretariat of the All Party Parliamentary Furniture Industry Group, chaired by Stevenage MP Stephen McPartland.