The Polyurethane Flexible Foam Group of the British Plastics Federation has joined the growing list of furniture-related trade associations to get behind the the furniture’s industry’s political lobbying group, the British Furniture Confederation (BFC).

Dr David Waite, its secretary, said: “I am very pleased that the group has been successful in its application for associate membership of the BFC. As suppliers of a key component in the manufacture of upholstered furniture and mattresses, I believe the group will make a positive contribution to the workings of the confederation, its representations to UK Government and to the promotion of UK manufactured furniture.”

Martin Jourdan, chairman of the BFC said: “We’re delighted to have the support and technical expertise of the foam producers and converters, who are as keen to protect and promote UK furniture manufacturing as we are. Not only are many of the group also British-based manufacturers in their own right, but there is no doubt that the stronger our representation is, the more seriously our views will be taken by Government and Whitehall.”

The BPF Flexible Foam Group – part of the much bigger British Plastics Federation –represents the interests of the UK manufacturers and converters of polyurethane flexible foam for a large number of applications, the major ones of which are upholstered furniture, mattresses, automotive and packaging.

Its prime activities include:

  • Monitoring existing and proposed future Health, Safety and Environmental Regulations arising at National and European Levels as they apply to the Polyurethane flexible foamindustry, and to put into place the necessary actions to ensure that the requirements of such legislation are met.
  • Identification of new research projects to promote and protect the long term interests of the UK Polyurethane Flexible Foam Industry.
  • Ensuring that there is UK representation and participation on the Board and Technical Committees of EUROPUR (European Association of Polyurethane Flexible Foam Block Manufacturers)
  • Participation in the preparation of new, and the review of existing, foam standards at a National, European and World level so as to ensure that the views of the UK industry are fully presented.
  • Responding to environmental issues arising at national and European Levels

The BFC was set up by the Worshipful Company of Furniture Makers (WCFM) to bring together furniture industry trade associations and membership bodies – including the British Contract Furnishing Association (BCFA), the Leisure & Outdoor Furniture Association (LOFA), the National Bed Federation (NBF), the Furniture Industry Research Association (FIRA), the Association of Master Upholsterers and Soft Furnishers (AMUSF), the Interior Designers Association (IDA), the industry training agency, Proskills and Anti-copying in Design (ACID) – with the principle aim of engaging with government at all levels regarding matters of concern within the furniture, bed and furnishing industry. The BFC employs the services of political consultants Politics Direct to advise it on government activity, facilitate lobbying and to provide the secretariat of the All Party Parliamentary Furniture Group, chaired by Stevenage MP Stephen McPartland.